
Feminism-Just Above The Universe and Just Below The Pyramids on the People's Scale Of Understanding

I'm not talking Facebook or the word that rhymes with duck

Facebook is an incredibly easy way of gathering opinions as people seem to rather enjoy sharing them, when solicited and not.  Sometimes, a post will hit on a topic that I am passionate about, and I find it hard to resist joining.  The following is a post made by a friend (Person A) and two of his friends (Person B and Person C). 

Person A (boy):
"To everyone out there that feel as though feminism is all about equality of the sexes... please look up Sandra Gilbert and Susan Gubar. Their basic theory according to one of my books is that men's art should be banished for an extended period for retribution for doing the same to women in the past...."

Person B (boy):
"Most feminism isn't for equality, but rather for the addition of privileges to the female sex. As said by the Amazing Atheist, "Feminism is the idea that we can make both sexes equal by focusing solely on the issues of one of them."

Feminists often insist that women are constantly downtrodden, however women do have quite a bit of leverage when it comes to things like domestic abuse (How many people take domestic abuse of a man seriously?) and child custody (usually the mom gets the child). Also, prison sentences are usually a lot less harsh on women, not to mention that women don't have to sign up for the selective service and such.

Anyone that reads this though, do not think I hate women or feminists. I love women, I think they're great and have much more beautiful bodies. But there are severe upper hands that women have concerning some issues.

That's just my two cents though, forgive me if I ever sounded hateful during this."

Person C (girl, or “female”):
" ughhhh... feminists just need to stop giving females a bad rep. i'm soooo over this shit."

It was after the last comment that I lost my ability to abstain from commenting. 

I feel as if the word ‘feminism’ has deliberately been given a bad rep and has been made to be harder to want to claim.  Whether this is because there are those who want to maintain the status-quo of power and patriarchy,  or it is perhaps not as serious as that, I can’t know.  Person C’s attitude and belief differs far from my own, and perhaps it agitates me more because it is a girl or woman that is damning the very movement that is fighting to keep and promote equality for her among others. 

True enough, feminism can mean different things for different people; I won't presume that my understanding is shared by everyone (clearly, it's not).  However, there are just some definitions that are so perverse from what I understand it to be, it's just astounding. 

One would think she’d be “soooo over” being paid 23% less than a man, or “soooo over” having her reproductive rights endangered, but yet she feels “soooo over” this “shit” that is feminism. 

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