
Gay teen's photo snub challenged

Girl has photo removed from the yearbook for wearing a tux

In this article, a girl decides to wear a tux in her senior portrait because as a lesbian she says that she feels more comfortable in men's clothing. This decision certainly illustrates the extent to which bodies are socialized into a particular gender. Because Ceara is biologically female, she is expected to fulfill societal expectations about how her gender should be performed. And when she doesn't perform in a typical manner she is discriminated for it.


Young Palestian Death From Breast Cancer

I read this on the CNN world news and thought it was very interesting and moving. The 28 year old woman had breast cancer and it took the doctors 6 months to find it.  What happen next was ridiculous.  They told her to loosen her bra.  A very good read!

A note from Dr. Kayt - Unfortunately the URL above will NOT get you to the article :-( This errant URL is a demonstration of why proofreading is important. This also provides a good reminder about why typos count, and are to be avoided!

Below is the actual URL for this article -

I am particularly interested in ya'll's thoughts about how this animated film, the FIRST commercial Palestinian animation film ever made, confronts "socially constructed" ideas about gender. Do you think that animation might "expose" these socially constructed ideas in ways that actors might not be able to expose/portray? 

Red text & corrected URL from Dr. Kayt