
Controversy at UAF goes national & international through Facebook & media outlets

Here is another example of a blog post - UAF based!

Did you hear about, and have you been keeping up on the controversy here at UAF that went national and international thanks to Facebook and media outlets? This issue is tied right in with all of the WGS 201 Enduring Understandings we will be exploring in this Intro to Women's Studies. As you read and think about this controversy unfolding here at UAF, consider how Women's Studies scholars would think about this controversy. Identify the connections Women's and Gender Studies scholars would make with the Enduring Understandings for this course. We might each have our own deeply held opinions about controversies like this. Our job here in this class is to apply Women's and Gender Studies scholarship and the Enduring Understandings we are exploring in this course to understand and analyze these issues.

Check out this link to the Fairbanks News Miner article on the controversy http://newsminer.com/news/2009/sep/17/ex-gay-speaker-sparks-debate-uaf , and also check out the UAF Women's Center blog to watch a YouTube clip of the UAF Chancellor's words on this issue http://uafwomen.blogspot.com/2009/09/uaf-chancellor-brian-rogers-on-freedom.html . If you are on Facebook you can probably find lots of discussion on this issue going worldwide. See below for a picture that captures the root of the controversy, the original banner and a student group's response to the banner.

Feel free to comment on this post (with Women's Studies-worthy analysis, of course :-) Comments to other's posts won't be graded for your blog assignments, however. Only posts where you are the author will count for your blog posts.

(Click on the photo to see the full sized, readable version of the banners)

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