
The internet, the World. this Class, and Misandry

Alrighty, I was reading the archives of one of the bloggers that I follow, and ran past a post they had regarding misandry, and I was interested in perhaps discussing it in class, though I shall post both my initial thoughts and a link to the blog post here first.

For anyone who is not familiar with the term, misandry is defined as 'The hatred of men' and most commonly is used in reference towards sexist behavior, attitudes, etc. against men. Now, while you will never hear me say that misogyny, or the hatred of women, is not a problem, a large number of people, including a large majority of my friends, make generalizations and statements that are blatantly sexist, and in many cases blatantly derogatory towards my sex.

For example: A friend of mine told me about an indecent in which her boyfriend was being unreasonable for no particular reason, and writes it off by saying 'he's a man.' This sort of statement is hear a lot, to the extent that no one really gives it a second thought. It seems to be a rather widespread assumption that when a man displayed aggression, or is rude, it is simply because he's 'a guy.' I for one, do not appreciate people assuming that because I am biologically male I am a jerk. (I have been told many times when meeting someone that they will assume I'm one purely because I am male until i prove otherwise.)

This sort of generalization, while not necessarily to the same degree, is in the same vein as the sort off assumption of fundamental differences that were used to deny women suffrage, with statements such as 'Women are to delicate to handle the realm of politics' paraphrased from Iron Jawed Angles, which uses many direct quotes from political arguments of the time period. (see how I tied this back into things in class oh so smoothly and subtly.)

now that I have approached the topic, here are some various bloggers/articles on misandry:

Hope to hear you thoughts on this subject!


libellocke said...

Annnd Now I see the Typo in the Title...

Dr. Kayt said...

I think I caught and corrected typo, libellocke. You should be able to edit your own posts if you see a mistake after posting. Click on the pencil icon to edit and fix anything that needs fixing.