
Late Post :(

Last semester I started to have immense pain in my lower region right after a stressful and unjustified few days in jail. My period had just ended before I was incarcerated and not even a week later I started bleeding horribly. My temperature was dropping, I couldn’t stay awake, and my skin color was changing. I tried to just play it off like it was the stress; I was fighting wrongful charges, meeting with various lawyers, court appearances, etc. but I kept on bleeding for two and half weeks. The other symptoms only kept getting worse and the pain was increasing. My partner was finally fed up with my ignoring it and forced me to go to Urgent Care.

I ended up seeing a male doctor who couldn’t have been less of a help. Despite all of my symptoms he persisted to tell me “all women’s bodies are different and your so young, it’s nothing.” Then when he was feeling my lower stomach, I was cringing in pain and my eyes were watering however he kept hurting me. My partner and I were both horribly disgusted by this treatment. Luckily, I insisted on getting an ultrasound. My mother had a full hysterectomy in her later 20’s which worried me and I knew something was wrong. He hesitated, but gave me the recommendation I needed.

It turns out I had ovarian cysts as well as varicose veins in the left side of my uterus.

I am writing about this because of what I read in Leah’s blogpost. There is just NOT the proper education out there about women's health care and as Leah pointed out, certainly not enough research in motion. I had to push to get an ultrasound to find out this news and now am stuck having to undergo surgery or tackle symptoms with birth control. I am seeing an OBGYN that has suggested the surgery due to my moms history and the “strangeness” with my conditions.

But alas, they know nothing and still might not be able to do anything after surgery...

This certainly isn’t the case when a mans solider wont salute...


LeahMargaret said...

Interesting. I had the same treatment, but from male and female doctors. I also had to ask for an ultrasound, and even then I was told that "women's bodies are different, and that [my] cysts were normal, don't worry." I was amazed at the disregard I felt from most of the medical professionals I talked to. Luckily, I've finally found 2 doctors who I trust to listen and treat me like a human, not just another dollar. Amen, sistah.

Dr. Kayt said...

Saw this Jezebel post about what it costs to own a vagina. While the article is poking fun and presented as humor and in a humorous manner (as most posts on Jezebel)I think the cost factor is something to consider! Doesn't touch deeply on the healthcare issues you have written about, Denise. Wish it took more a a serious look at these issues. Many of the comments are arguing over how much it costs for shaving cream or other such consumer products. I continue to think that these are SERIOUS subjects which we need to be discussing and interrogating. Sometimes humor is a way to get at these issues though, eh!